Two Men Arrested in Spain's Catalonia and Valencia for Inciting Racial Hatred, Terrorism

MADRID (Sputnik) - Two men suspected of spreading calls for so-called racial wars and inciting terrorism have been detained in Spain's Catalonia and Valencia autonomous communities, according to the Catalan regional police, Mossos d'Esquadra.

Both men are Spanish nationals, and one of them also has US citizenship. They were detained on 11 September in the Catalan city of Lleida and Valencia's Alicante city and accused of fomenting hatred against foreigners and glorifying terrorism on racial grounds on social media, the police force said in a statement.
"They also published posts praising terrorists such as Brenton Tarrant, who committed racially motivated murders of 51 people in Christchurch, New Zealand, and inciting similar attacks," the statement reads.

The detainees promoted the idea of creating white communes in remote rural areas, which, according to their idea, were supposed to create weapons stocks and prepare for racial wars.

After the detention, the men testified before a judge, who decided to release them until the review of the merits of the case was carried out. Their passports were confiscated and they were required to report to the police every 15 days.

Resource: Sputnik News
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